Writing a Heartfelt Eulogy: Tips and Examples

Crafting a eulogy for a loved one is a deeply personal and significant task. It is an opportunity to honor their life, share their story, and express the impact they had on those around them. At After.io, we recognize the importance of this responsibility and offer guidance to help you create a heartfelt and memorable eulogy.

Understanding the Essence of a Eulogy

A eulogy is more than a farewell speech; it’s a tribute that encapsulates the essence of the person who has passed. It’s a chance to acknowledge their life, their loves, their achievements, and the legacy they leave behind.

Preparing to Write a Eulogy

The process of writing a eulogy can be overwhelming. Here are some steps to help you prepare:

  • Reflect on Memories: Spend time reminiscing about your loved one. Think about what made them unique and the moments you shared.
  • Gather Input: Talk to friends, family, and colleagues to gather different perspectives and stories.
  • Find a Quiet Space: Writing a eulogy requires introspection. Find a quiet space where you can reflect and write without distractions.

Key Components of a Eulogy

A well-rounded eulogy often includes the following elements:

  • Introduction: Start by introducing yourself and your relationship to the deceased.
  • Biographical Sketch: Give a brief overview of their life, including important milestones and achievements.
  • Personal Stories: Share anecdotes that highlight their personality, values, and the impact they had on others.
  • Their Legacy: Reflect on what they have left behind, be it their family, their work, or the difference they made in their community.
  • A Message of Farewell: Conclude with a personal farewell, a message of hope, or a comforting quote or poem.

Tips for Writing from the Heart

When writing your eulogy:

  • Be Honest and Authentic: Speak truthfully about your loved one. Authenticity resonates more than perfection.
  • Balance Emotions: While it’s important to express sadness, it’s also okay to include moments of joy, laughter, and celebration.
  • Keep It Accessible: Write as if you are speaking to a friend. A conversational tone can make your eulogy more relatable and heartfelt.

Example Eulogy Passages

To illustrate, here are two example passages:

  • Eulogy for a Mother: “Mom was the heart of our family. Her kitchen table was more than just a place for meals; it was where she nurtured us, shared her wisdom, and filled our lives with laughter and love. She taught us the value of kindness, the strength in gentleness…”
  • Eulogy for a Colleague: “John was more than a coworker; he was a mentor and a friend. His dedication to his work was only surpassed by his dedication to his team. He had an uncanny ability to see potential in everyone, and he made it his mission to help others shine…”

Delivering the Eulogy with Compassion

When it comes time to deliver your eulogy:

  • Practice: Read your eulogy out loud several times to become familiar with its flow and content.
  • Slow Down: During the service, speak slowly and clearly. It’s natural to rush when nervous, but taking your time will help convey your message more effectively.
  • Embrace Emotions: It’s okay if you become emotional. It’s a natural and heartfelt response. If you need to pause, do so.

Seeking Support and Resources

If you find the task daunting, remember that support is available:

  • Writing Guides: Look for resources that offer writing tips and advice.
  • Professional Assistance: Consider enlisting the help of a professional writer or celebrant.
  • Feedback from Others: Share your draft with a close friend or family member for feedback.


A eulogy is a meaningful way to celebrate the life of your loved one and to start the healing process for yourself and others. It’s an act of love and remembrance, a way to tell their story and express what they meant to you and the community. At After.io, we provide resources and support to help you create a fitting tribute to your loved one. For further guidance and inspiration, please visit After.io.